And so I am still sick :(

Apr 04, 2009 04:13

As you might know I've been sick pretty close to constantly for the past 5 months now :(

Bronchitis 4x
Sinusitis 3x
Antibiotics 8x (longest stayed Healthy was 2 weeks after completion of Medication.

Each time I've been sick it has been a bacterial infection, last time, they actually did a culture on it to see if they could determine what medication to try next.

Culture came back negative, my GP wanted to see me 4 days after the last round of antibiotics to check and see if the bacteria was still kicking... (that would be Monday, I took last pill on Wednesday morning)...

And we have a new Adventure now, Cellulitis in my right leg.
Same Leg I had a DVT (clot) in 2003.

Good news, No Clot Bad News, well leg is just under 2x the size of the left one.
Was fine until around 2 PM on Thursday Afternoon, hit the ER at just about 2 AM Friday Morning.

Frustrating part of this is that I went and saw my GP on Wednesday, added some Nose Spray to see if that helps my little snot factory.

Went to my Pulmonologist on Thursday, and added Singulair to see if that helps me some, little over 12 hours later, I'm in the ER due to a Bacterial infection, that has gone on the offensive.

Didn't even make it 24 hours after my last antibiotic... :(
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