[The camera clicks on to show Pakistan in one of the tea rooms. She has set out some food she's made--just some curry and naan, really--and there is a small
flag standing with the food. The camera pans over the spread, then Pakistan sets it down on the table and crouches down so to be at "eye level" with it.]
Today is International Mother Language Day, because of my sister. This is the day we started our fight about Bengali as a national language--a few of her people got killed today, and it started a big problem in my house.
[She smiles, but she looks a bit more melancholy than happy.]
A few years later, there was a war. So now my sister has her own house.
I made food, if anyone wants any.
[She stands back up and, leaving the camera where it is, curls up in a chair with a book she got from the library. Most people in the mansion probably won't be able to tell, but the cover of the book is written in Bengali.]