Dec 20, 2006 14:05
Unintentional spooning. So this one time I was standing behind Chris and kind of spooning him standing up and Steve got behind me to spoon me. However, I thought it was Mike and when I turned around, I kind of screamed and then laughed really hard because it amused me how we all love to spoon.
Wandering aimlessly around Boston and truck drivers. Chris's birthday present for me was to take me to Boston and on the way up it started to rain and traffic started to pick up. I ended up being stared at by some truck driver who wrote me a note in his window and made me laugh. Then we didn't quite plan out everything and we got out on the T and wander around and found this spiffy chocolate place. It was a very entertaining day.
The Dan Band. The Dan Band is the crazy band from Old School who sang a cover of "Total Eclipse of the Heart." Michelle made Steve sing and dance one of their songs. Hilarious and memorable moment.
Trips to Konover solely for ice cream. Occasionally all of us would go to Konover for nothing more than to get ice cream and then we would complain about how it was impossible to eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's unless you had a stomach of steel.
Falling asleep (AND staying awake) during movie nights. Apparently this has deemed me a narcoleptic now, but my random falling asleep started on Mike's couch and it hasn't really continued into this year. The most memorable one was when I fell asleep during the first five minutes of Sky Captain & The World of Tomorrow and slept well through the entire movie and when they popped a light bulb in the microwave (which is a very very loud sound) I was still sound asleep in the fetal position on the floor like 3 hours later.
Poking. I have an obsession. Don't mess with me.
Chocolate cake. I think this goes back to my birthday and being attacked by chocolate cake or the time I went to the dinner ordered nothing but chocolate cake while everyone else got a meal.
Being between a robot and a man. I think it was during Spring Fling that Dan decided to break out his robot costume from Halloween and I really wanted to go dancing so somehow I ended up dancing between Scott (a man) and Dan (a robot) and then some entertaining things happened when one or both of them picked me up.
Microwaves and fires. One weekend everyone disappeared and it was just Mike, Steve, and me. They abducted me from the complexes and I spent the night on Mike's couch in Regents. Anyways, we got really bored and decided to build a cd house and put it in the microwave. Then we decided to dissect a diet coke can (one from Jersey so no money was lost) and wrap it with copper wire and there were fireballs in the microwave. There's video. It's ridiculous.
Skins vs shirts. I guess this is where I found my calling for Frisbee and my lack of modesty? It was a day towards the end of the semester in the spring and a bunch of us showed up for a game of pick up. It was four and four and I was the only girl. As tradition goes, Matt and Kevin took off their shirts because that's what we do and we turned it into skins versus shirts and you guys can guess which team I was on. First time I got a cat call while playing Frisbee. :-P
Tossing in front of Gengras. My favorite part of the spring last year. This is why I am the Frisbee player I am now.
Being confused by cream cheese. I don't remember :-(
Learning how to skip class more than once without an excuse. Mike's goal for the one thing to teach me before I finished my freshman year. It only happened once then I think. Now I've realized some things are sometimes more important like your health and very rarely fun.
Being sick and taking care of the sickly. It happened quite often. I remember it with Chris, Steve, Mike, Dan...I'll do anything to take care of my friends.
Man purses and late night movies. So we decided to go to the movies to see a late showing of something and Steve stuck a bunch of stuff into his backpack and it turned into my purse because movie theaters don’t question women's bags.
Puddle jumping. So at several points during the spring it rained too much for our little marshland campus to handle and we came up with massive puddles. I love the rain and puddle jumping so I ran across the Village lawn jumping over puddles and Chris followed me except he slipped and ended up covered in mud. It was funny and kind of gross but very memorable.
Surprise flowers. The 6 Month Anniversary present. They were pretty.
Ominous Lightning. When Chris and I broke up there was lighting and ominous clouds. It seemed ironic at the time. It kind of amuses me now.
Fireworks. Dan took me down to Eric's house where we saw the fireworks and it was gorgeous over Eric's lake and really funny too because Eric's family was setting off their own and his uncle kept shouting silly things and running into things in the dark. It was good times.
AMS Party. The party at Anne Marie's house that was part of me keeping my sanity this summer. There was a lot of food and lounging and a little bit of Frisbee.
Sparklers & Microwaves. This was the party at Steve's house that was another part of me keeping my sanity this summer. There was a lot of Frisbee and microwaving things. We found out that sparklers ignite on their own in the microwave and turn pretty colors.
Gold Roc Diner Week. Another part of my summer. Sara and I spent an entire week eating at least one meal at the Gold Roc. It was amazing but terrible for our bodies. My contention is that anything is better than ramen and easy mac
Last Minute Sleepovers. So one night I was so much of a bum, I convinced Scott to drive up to Hartford from Jersey at 9 at night. We were ridiculous and stayed up talking until the sun came up and then slept until the afternoon.
Kitten Poop & Pee. One night it turned into a Sara, Eric, Maria sleepover party with Sara's kittens. The only problem with this is that Sara's kittens are not used to my little room in E-Complex and there is no litter box. So what happened? Accidents. They peed on Eric's shorts and pooped in Sara's purse. This is why Eric and Sara both wore my jeans home and Eric still has my favorite pair!
Hartford Grand Band Slam. Sara, one of her coworkers from Starbucks, and me went to check out the Hartford Grand Band Slam. Some of the bands were really good and some were really bad but it was fun. We saw belly dancers, a crazy black hole man, and fire throwers.
Gold Roc Groupies. Someone nicknamed me and Sara this after our solid week at Gold Roc and then our continuing relationship with the people that work there. When you're on a first name basis with your diner staff, you're more than a regular.
Voracious kitten. Another nickname from lots and lots of people for lots and lots of reasons.
Frisbee Rain=Amazing! The first time I played Frisbee in the rain with my random summer group of people, it was my second time playing with them and we just went with it. The game was awesome and we all had a lot of fun. Afterwards we went back to one of the high school kid's homes for food and randomness and then Sara and I went to the Gold Roc. Yes, we're groupies, stfu.
Pulling a Steve. So this one day of Frisbee with my summer league I miraculously made a catch by almost doing a back flip but I landed really awkwardly on one of my shoulders. I survived but it was my first amazing catch and really bad injury.
Human stretcher. So here is where I mention that all of the people were of random sizes and experience levels but I managed to end up in the middle of these 2 football player sized guys and one kind of scrawny guy. The disc was mine and I jumped for it and somehow ended up not getting the disc but rather getting entangled in these men. One took my arm and my left leg. One took the other arm and the third took my right leg. And they all fell in different directions and I was on top luckily but kind of playing human stretcher.
Beamer cruising. When Scott first got his BMW and decided to visit me we spent a solid few hours just driving around with the sun roof open and the music pounding. That was a ridiculously freeing moment.
New York. My birthday present to Chris. We saw RENT. Had a few good moments. Had a few bad moments. Overall, good.
Bar building. When the Frisbee house first got together, Kevin decided that he wanted to build a bar and came up with his own technical plans and mental drawings. I decided to help him out to make sure he didn't break his fingers. This was the first time that I got really close to Kevin and Jay! Kevin gave Jay and me money to go to Lowe's and buy wood and supplies for him. It turned out to be quite the adventure because I had just met Jay but overall we survived unscathed and Kevin got everything he needed for his bar.
Frisbee Momma. I was deemed the on field Frisbee momma where Whit is the general off field Frisbee momma. We share the title proudly.
Pajama party. That was one night of craziness. This was after I had found out that I had tendonitis in my left foot and couldn't really play or walk anywhere. I remember Vic carrying me from the Frisbee house to Whit's and back. Craziness!
Shopping adventures at Sport's Authority. Vic, Nic, me and Keith all went shopping for the intramural tournament. The three girls bought matching sports bras and some other equipment and Keith and Nic bought cleats. We still rock those sports bras proudly.
Eternal Freshman. Mike says I'll always be a freshman because of how young I am. He's kind of crazy like that but I love him anyways.
Sauciness. Reasons Maria should not be left alone in a group of guys after playing Frisbee. So after one intramural game that had gone pretty good and I was still pumped with adrenaline, I went with Scott, Dan, Eric, and Dan to the Gold Roc for a massive pile of food mostly cause I hadn't eaten very much that day. Somehow it came around in the conversation that I was in a saucy mood. The boys both loved it and laughed at me ridiculously. Good times.
27 Credits & Preceptoring. So I signed up for 21 credits for the fall semester because I had wanted to throw myself into my work. I also signed up to Preceptor aka play with Freshman for 2 classes. That ended up equaling 27 credits. Then I dropped Anatomy to save my sanity but it made me sad cause I lost out on a class with Caitlin. I did, however, meet a bunch of cool freshman some of whom are ridiculously sweet.
Family Dinners. aka WHITNEY time! Family dinners were my favorite thing from this semester I think because it brought me closer to a bunch of awesome people that I didn't so much know last semester. We had deep conversations, silly conversations, great food, and lots of fun. Occasionally we even got work done too!
Dishes & HW. My roommates made the discovery that I cannot do my homework unless the dishes are done. This phenomenon is ridiculous to all of us and has proven itself untrue after Thanksgiving break but it does cause me to think I have clean-freak like tendencies.
ERs and Concussions. So in one weekend, I went to the ER for 2 different boys. One was a Mister Scott Camp who had sliced his hand open trying to jump a really large fence. Two was a Mister Madison Ford who had landed badly on his shoulder/neck making an amazing catch during intramurals. Both nights were crazy and sleepless but fun. After bringing Scott back, we got Gold Roc food. After bringing Madison back, we had an impromptu party at the Frisbee house.
Konover Girl. There was a girl who worked at Konover who ended up joining into a rather loud conversation between Mike, Steve, and Eric about movies and they deemed her the Konover Girl. She seemed kind of interested in Steve and Steve was kind of interested in her. Alas, she had a boyfriend.
Margaritaville. Michelle and Vic's concoction for a good time. The party kind of dwindled after a while but it was fun for the bunch of us while it lasted.
Gimp leg vs Gimp hand. Scott's ruling for me against him when I had tendonitis and his hand was still healing from the stitches. We played Gimp games together. He couldn't catch with his right hand and I couldn't really jump or move so we tossed and I worked on my flick which is now spectacular.
Roommate applications. Steve and Mike once tried to put out Roommate Applications for Chris because they missed him that much. They set up a big wooden palate in front of his door which Eric and I both managed to walk into at different points. I did in fact fill out an application but was passed up for Sara.
Girl time. It's a memory for me and White to share. Girl time is crazy time but it proved out friendship and how much I love her more than anything.
Jesus Catch. So one night after a family dinner I was kinda losing my mind and needed to play frisbee. So away the frisbee kids went. It was 3 on 3 with 2 non-regulars. It was kinda wet and slippery but we played regardless cause we're hardcore like that. A frisbee hit my torso and rolled down my body while I slid and landed on my back. I caught the frisbee between my feet an inch off the ground in the endzone.
Studying & the rain. That's all for Tom. It's our first faux-date.
Avon Mountain in the dark. The first and only time I've ever climbed Avon Mountain was in pitch black at 9 or 10pm while it was freezing with Starbucks in hand with Rob. Crazy times.
Mental breakdowns. I had a few this semester but I survived them all. I can remember which one this goes back to but I'd rather not relive it.
Cosi's & E-Park. My first real date with Tom.
Halloween. This was the night that Ash and Tom came to abduct me from my bed room to take me out to a party. Because Halloween's only once a year.
Black Door Mouse to Librarian. When Maria lacks the ability to create a costume, the result is changing costumes with very little effort.
Protection. Steve. This goes back to Halloween. It's the first time I realized how much my friends care about me.
Working to the bone. I did this more than once this semester. I also taught people how to remember bones. Some lovers try positions that they can't handle.
Showers, brownies, Velveeta, and sprained wrists. My few precious nights spent with Ashley.
Icarus. The hamster that rocked my world a little at a time. From Ash to Nic.
My first "Adult Party" in Nowhere NJ. Something I reluctantly did for a friend.
Gold Roc & Orgo @ 2am. Tom and I studied our butts off that night.
Poking fights. Steve and I now have a tradition to break our boredom.
The Stand. Steve and I watched all 4 mini-tv movie episodes even though everyone said there was no way we could.
Earrings. For no reason, it's the first time a guy's ever bought me jewelry.
Beta Pi. Ash <3
"Theta Chi let us down." I hate hell week with a passion. Ash and I froze our butts off while one was asleep and the other was just being plain weird.
Piccolo Arancio. My first fancy restaurant.
Day off. Movies and pasta. Mmm.
Calendar. Oh, Kevin Devaney and his ideas. I can't believe it still. Nicole and I have never been closer.
The Brickyard. So I don't know why I always get hit on by very exotic women. Pool is a rather entertaining game that I'm better at than I would've believed.
Snowflakes. I love them and dancing in them. I remember the first snowflakes of this winter perfectly.
Four square. It's an entertaining game. It's even more entertaining when it's on my living room floor and not outside in a cold parking lot.
Christmas Dinner. My roommates and our friends rock my socks.
Laundry. No one's ever done my laundry with me and then helped me fold it all too.
Packing up for 2 weeks. I did it under 30 minutes with a little bit of help.