Sep 12, 2008 14:55
Hey there to Seraph from me ;). Yes I know it was the 11th but I sadly found myself feeling down about trying to wish a happy *anything* with all the doom and gloom.. that and this stupid poison ivy does NOT help :/.
Hopefully you are keeping well even though gas just kicked all all in the wallet yet again by 13 cents ;/. Bloody robbery but we all eat the cookie of doom since its rather hard to avoid useing gas. May your cake be filling, the cards nicely done, and somehow you get to savor the weekend even with the rain!.
To everyone else I can hope its going rather well even with the current situation for prices of stuff, maybe once all the election crap is over we could see some normalacy?. At least I can hope so ;)
Gaia bless to one and all from
Pakesh *happy birthday to you!* De