The Islington party survivor Report

Nov 12, 2008 16:19

Dear lord that was a HELL of a nice party, matter of fact the best I have attended this year I must say. Just the basic facts, we had a *really early but at least all who could attend could before the real xmas party season kicked in* party in the Islington area of Toronto.

It was a severely well done success!. We had i suspect a full turn out of about 70 folks all told from the 124 that signed up, so considering it was 14 hours I feel vindicated to have been the *security bitch* for the party, mostly cause its a crappy job but someone HAS to do it. A small complaint though, next time we will need to bring another fan or two to get a airflow going aside from the open stair doors so as not to annoy the landlord.

Shout out time :)
Ki-wind.. for being the host with the most.. thanks for putting on the shin-ding dude
Dan *sleepyhead* for being the contact guy, errend runner, sleepy looking guy but a big help
D'Otter? *POCKY* for of course, the bringer of the sacred crack on a stick..MMMM much goodness
*Mystery Benefactor* for renting the room and hopefully attending to see it was money well spent.
Danrunk* lord of the kitchen* for making one mighty fine chili. Glad I pitched in to serve it.
Morgan *what me worry?* for attending, relaxing!, fursuiting, and grumbling he missed Monopoly :)
Jacob *the BIG guy* for being there, having fun, kicking butt in said Monopoly. good fun
Fulminar* the BIG quiet guy* for REALLY kicking ass in the game, a gentleman, and having fun!
Robodobie *Smokes* for showing up late to mingle, suit up, have fun, and sneak a few cigs
*nosocks no service guy* for being the only drunk at the booze for you! ;
*The Nice Lady* for being there, errend running, chipping in cash, and being a really nice lady!
Bungee *mr video* for running the quiet room, videos, tech set up, and relaxing comfortably
Deoge *Mr camero* for ride to the party, the snacks!, and clearly loves to drive..Varoom!

Yes this is in NO way a full list, nor is meant to slight anyone, but this is folks who leapt to mind at the party thus I had to toss them the props they earned ;). Twas a most excellent party, folks clearly had a good time, and most of all we mingled!. I did not see any wallflowering but I DO remember one person *mighty Kimba* who clearly.. earns the award of most memorable even as a late arrival.. for total lack of sleep..his dark glasses, and going *eeeee!* a lot. Get some sleep dude thursday is a long way away you know ;).

All in all good clean fun, much food was provided, most was eaten, those who brought booze were polite and only one *he with no shoes* was really blotto, on others booze no less :). I will gladly be the *security bitch* as i laughing heard myself named for any other parties like this. Was good fun and most WAS done.

Gaia bless to everyone who came and to those who will come again
Pakesh * Security Bitch awarded* De
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