Dec 15, 2004 08:47
Well... last night i went to bed with a smile.. i dont know why. How gay.
Ummm my weekend was.. okay.
Went to franga got secuity onto me.. just for laying down and watching preveiws int he cinema. Ummm then stole the first thing ever... in my life... a rug and alaminium foil... and gah i felt so bad.. damn that conciounce thing. And it was onlee $2 worth of shit...
Umm Mandys was gd. Then i got home... and wanted to go back. But everything at home is better now.
Yesturday I got three tops from supre... yeh skank shop but i happen to like what they have to offer quite well. Umm im getting a skit hopefully thursday coz im going to franga with Becc Steele ands seeing Jack down there.Jack guessed my middle name...ah. Hes pretty funny that one.
Hopefully ill see all your franga hangers doing something unordinary.. and being franga rats. I miss Cass :(
Today Testies and ROn r cumin over. Which will be funny as fuck.. coz those 2 kids r so much fun 2 be around... We r gonna go to the bowl and muck around there... prolly trip kids over.. thats so so mean but meh funny as fuck. I hope i see a couple of kids i miss...
I miss EVERY-ONE!!! And Mandy.. all ready. Shes gay.
So make sure u get ur fat heads down to franga thrusday so i can hug you all millions of times.
Today i feel different. Why? meh..
x o x
Oh yeh and sum fuckstick called my place at 8:45... and i was tempted to hang the phone up on her... but luckily mom got to the phone before me. i was half asleep.. i tend to answer the phone meanly when im asleep...