Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow for English Pendant Ocarina

Dec 10, 2010 03:38

So I finally transposed Sadness and Sorrow from the popular anime, Naruto.

Without going into detail, I've been having a rough couple of days, and I was looking for something sad to play on my ocarina. I noticed I never finished transposing Sadness and Sorrow so I decided to get into it. I actually used Ichigo Sheet music (link HERE)and I used the cover that docjazz4 put up on youtube. (Link to his youtube channel HERE) I then listened to Docjazz4's cover over and over again, and wrote down the notes as I played along... Okay, so it's not REAL transposing, but I used the sheet music to fix corrections and learn the actual beats.

So, Thanks Ichigo Sheet music and Docjazz

One might ask, "Pajamieez, why would you post the transposed notes of this song if the sheet music is actually available."

Well one reason would be to save time for others that are learning to read music. You need to have a familiar base with music to play by ear. Another reason is because I know there's hardly ANYTHING on the net that's transposed for an ocarina, let alone an English Pendant Ocarina. I'll put up a nice little tab along with the notes!

Before I begin, I don't know how to type out musical notes on Livejournal, save for scanning the index card that I've so diligently worked on. Unfortunately, my scanner is broken and you'll have to deal with the old school text based notation. (Whatever that means) Without further delay.

Naruto - Sadness and Sorrow for the Ocarina

C = High
c = Low
~ = It's like a weird the ocarina version of pulling and hammering on the guitar.



The Tab for English Pendant

oo xo oo | xx oo oo xx | oo ox oo oo xo oo oo|
xx xo oo | xo xx xo xo | xx xx xx xo xx oo xo|

oo xo oo | xx oo oo xx | oo ox oo oo xo xx |
xx xo oo | xo xx xo xo | xx xx xx xo xx xo |

ox oo oo oo oo xo | oo ox ~ xx |
xx xx xo ox oo xo | xx xx ~ xo |

oo oo oo ox | oo oo oo
xx xo xx xx | oo oo xo

oo oo xo oo ox xx
xo oo xo xx xx xo

oo oo oo ox xx xx | xx xx oo xx xo xx
xx xo xx xx xx xo | xo xo xx xo xx xo

I hope someone finds this useful. If there are any corrections, send me a message and I'll fix it!

music, ocarina, naruto, transposed music

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