Jan 06, 2010 07:08
I haven't posted anything recently seeing that the holidays have been a total distraction from almost anything productive. Today is however, an important day for me. Well for me and my someone. This would be our first month together... Officially. We decided to become a public couple on December 5th 2009. A date that will probably be burned into my long term memory. Just when I thought I was doing everything wrong, I somehow was doing something right enough to justify an Angel wanting to publicly display her love for me. Lucky! Since then, I have made every effort to make this Angel NOT regret her decision. As one month marches onwards to many more I feel like I'm doing a pretty good job.
I think the key is to never get comfortable. That's when things start to go downhill in most relationships I've had the opportunity to watch from beginning to end. When people get comfortable they tend to take the person their with for granted, and that's one thing I'll never do with her. Being innovative, exciting, and sometimes completely random probably keeps her from getting tired of me. I am prone to be a creature that thrives on unpredictably as a habit. Making a habit of controlled unpredictability is far more challenging but totally rewarding. Seeing her smile at me, or gaze into my eye is well worth the effort.
I do still have things to work on about myself... I STILL get extremely paranoid of other guys. They're her friends. I have female friends.... She has male friends... It's completely normal. Think of it simply as a gag reflex that has been trained by being burnt SO ANY TIMES. But just like how I learned how to eat seafood or when I stopped smoking... I just have to man up take the hit and move the fuck on. That's how a man should do it.
Speaking of which, I've been checking out this website called the art of manliness. Specifically, I've been looking at 30 Days to a Better Man and trying the the stuff that is listed for each day. Today was shining your shoes... but I don't have any polish. I think I'm going to get some today and polish those damned shoes ^^
Karate is progressing... If not, getting more difficult by the week. I don't know if it's because I'm a bit sick during the winter, or because practice is getting harder, but I definitely feel it after it's all over. Recently, Donald has decided to hold class on Wednesdays now, which increases total class time during the week to two days. Usually this is less physically demanding. Hopefully today's practice is hard. I like training hard!
More to come...
the love of my life,
our first month,