Jan 25, 2007 02:13
"How happy is the blameless vestal's lot!
The world forgetting, by the world forgot.
Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind!"
I'm not the type to regret things I do, or wish I could go back and change them.
But I do often look back in memory, see how things were at one time, and angrily wonder why they aren't that way now. Or better, angrily wonder why things weren't the way then that they are now.
What's changed so much? I can't even see it.
One minute you're so sure of who you are, the next you're shocked to find you were never really that person at all. and damn the time you wasted trying to be!
people say you learn from your mistakes. Does that include fucking up in the same fashion more than one time? How many times does it have to happen to say "hey yeah I really did learn from this one! Thanks! You got me!"
Thinking... that's all...