? [Completed]

Apr 19, 2006 19:55

Characters: Hojo and Miles
Content: Hojo wants to go to sleep. Miles wants to interrogate him instead.
Setting: Morem o Lisboa
Time: V. V. early Saturday

Getting somewhere quickly was rather pointless when you lacked the means to get inside. Hojo had made it to the specified room several steps ahead of the lawyer but, as he had no key, had no choice but to wait until Miles got there and unlocked it for him. Most irritating.

Hojo was quite pleased to find that there was a coffee pot once he got inside, though there didn't seem to be any coffee to put in it. Hojo filled the tank up with water anyway and turned it on. It was really a shame he couldn't get anything above boiling, but this would have to do until he could get proper medical attention for his shoulder.

completed, morem o lisboa, miles edgeworth, toshiro hojo

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