Thoughts in turmoil [active]

Dec 18, 2011 18:18

Character(s): Mao, Urd, others?
Content: Mao has shut himself up in his room after failing to find Yorda.
Setting: St. Destino Hospital
Time: Evening
Warnings: Mao is an Emoberry Poptart

Gone... She was just gone. Mao had searched all over that stupid place with the birds and had found nothing. Not even the slightest hint of her. Not even her journal was left. It was like she had completely disappeared.

But Mao knew better than that. That lion had said Geoffrey had handed her over to someone. Someone dangerous if Mao was to take Geoffrey's history into account. And that goddess... She had said it was all Mao's fault. Sure, she had tried to change what she said once he pointed it out, but she had said it herself. They trusted Yorda with him and now she was gone. And it was Mao's fault.

He was the one who had accepted Geoffrey back. He knew what Geoffrey was capable of, and still he had done it. All for what, because he wanted to be comfortable? For the convenience? What the hell was the point of that when it ended up with people he actually liked disappearing? Every time, it always tied back to him, and Mao had still let him in, knowing that. Yorda was gone, wasn't she? It was just like what happened with Almaz, wasn't it?

Mao hadn't been able to bring himself to leave his lab since he'd gotten back. There was a huge weight over his heart, and every time he started thinking about what had happened, he only made himself angry all over again. Revenge sounded good. But he didn't even know where to begin or if it would even make him feel any better.

Why? Why did everything have to be so complicated? Why couldn't he have just stayed at the school?

st. destino hospital, urd, mao

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