Character(s): Kuja and Yorda
Content: Yorda meets a resident of City Hall.
Setting: City Hall, the study
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None.
She'd been hiding herself away, keeping to herself since Ansem had brought her here, and thus had yet to see another living soul besides the man who had snatched her away. Aside from Ansem's occasional visits, he'd allowed Yorda to roam about as she wished, so long as she kept to her word not to leave. But why would she? Yorda knew that if she left, Ansem would go after Mao, and she couldn't bear the thought of him being snatched away. So she stayed, and she obeyed, although she spoke rarely.
Today, Yorda stepped out of her room, bare feet almost hidden by a white Victorian dress - Ansem, for all his cruelties, had been a gracious enough host, and had provided her with anything she needed. The girl headed to the study - aside from drawing, she mostly read in order to pass the time, and so had learned quite a lot about Paixao's history, art and culture. As fascinating as she found it all, however, nothing could dull the knowledge that she was nothing more than a caged bird, as she had been back on her island.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of long silver hair, and the girl paused in the door way with a soft gasp; she had never seen anyone other than Ansem in here before. "Who are you?" she ventured, her voice soft and tremulous. Was this person a prisoner, too?