Character(s): Laharl and Flonne
Content: After Laharl has a bad dream and posts a journal post, Flonne comes to see him.
Setting: Laharl's room in Vyers' apartment
Time: Late night
Warnings: Angst and Fluff, as requested!
He was in his castle, sitting on his throne. Not anything unusual, but what was unusual was how quite the castle was. It seemed dead silent, not a vassal or prinny in sight.
This was odd, so he decided to start searching the castle. Wandering through winding corridors, he seemed to have no problem finding his way through, despite there being a small part of him that recognized this wasn't the layout of his castle at all.
He couldn't find anyone. No one was here at all. Flonne, Etna, his father and mother... not even a prinny could be found! They'd all left him? That was the conclusion he came to very quickly, a sense of loneliness falling over him in droves.
Everyone was gone. He'd been abandoned.
Then came pain, as something sharp plunged into his back and he fell to his knees. He was almost frightened to look up at the person who was hovering over him.
"What's wrong? Did everyone abandon you?"
That voice... No! NO!
The next thing he knew, he was being strapped down to a table, in a painfully familiar room. He was trapped and rendered helpless once more. Rarely was Laharl truly horrified, but he was pretty close to it, as he dared to open his eyes to face the one above him.
"It seems they were tired of waiting for you to become that amazing Overlord," she taunted from above him. "Left you allll alone. Poor Overlord Laharl..."
"A suitable punishment for a filthy half-blood brat."
That voice. Even though he hadn't heard it in many, many years, he easily recognized it. He easily knew who it was. He was instantly frozen, barely able to breath. He didn't look over. He couldn't. The voice was enough, though he knew she was standing on the other side of him, leering down at him.
"How pathetic."
"Such a disappointment, aren't you~?"
Then she stabbed him with one of her knives. He cried out and found himself somehow was able to break free. He dashed to the door, escaping into the hallway. He was sure they weren't too far behind him, as he ran through dark hallways, finally ducking into a dark room. Laharl hid there, peeking though the keyhole, as he watched his chasers pass by. He stayed there a moment, before backing into the large room. He needed to find a different way to get out of here.
The room was dark, but he realized there was something on the floor... or... someone. Someone in a white dress...
No... no, it couldn't be...
Dashing over to them, he fell to his knees beside them, pausing when he realized there was also something red on the floor. He took all he had to reach out and flip them over... to see if it was who he feared it was.
Only once he'd turned them over could he suddenly see who it was. It wasn't who he had been expecting to see at all, but the face was no less familiar.
He cried out in horror, jerking up from his pillow.
He was out of bed and on his feet and halfway to the door, before he stopped as reality came into focus, and the dream started to fade. He wasn't in that dark room, there was no body and he didn't have people from the past searching for him. He was in his room, in the apartment in Paixao. Laharl had just had yet another nightmare.
He stood there for several moments, trying to catch his breath, as he rubbed a hand over his face, damp from sweat and... tears? When had he...?
Shaking it off, he flopped back on the bed, with no intentions what-so-ever of going back to sleep now. For the past few days it was always the same... nightmares. Some had been of memories and people from his past, or of certain things that had happened to him in Paixao... some he couldn't even make heads or tails of, but still managed to wake him up, disoriented and shaking. They just seemed to be getting worse and worse.
He needed a distraction...
Reaching for his journal, he made use of it, secretly glad for familiar voices... Flonne's was especially a welcoming sound, but it seemed she was suffering from bad dreams as much as he had. Before he knew it, he was agreeing for her to come here.
Laharl wanted to see her... especially after THAT dream, but obviously he wondered if he would regret it. She'd suddenly sounded excited, and her wording still made him uncomfortable... At least no one had seemed to notice...