Character(s): Kuja and the Doctor
Content: On his way to help Kovu, the Doctor runs into someone he shouldn't have.
Setting: Right around City Hall.
Time: After Kovu's
voice post.Warnings: Mood-whiplash and violence.
He needed to hurry. Someone was in danger, terrible danger, and who cared if he didn't even know the poor girl and had only seen her in a movie before. Here, they were real. Everything was real, and that meant the Doctor was going to help everyone he could, even if it meant driving himself into the ground to do it, because he was the Doctor and it was up to him to fix things. It was simply what he did, not to mention what he had been doing for most of his life now. If only his TARDIS would work properly!
The Time Lord muttered to himself as he strode purposefully past City Hall, eyeing the range of thorns while he was at it. He'd help Roxas deal with Maleficent soon enough, but right now, Kiara needed help, and while he may not exactly be equipped to deal with the Heartless (if it was indeed them, he could at least study them and maybe puzzle something out.
He was almost to the train station. It wouldn't be long now, and maybe he could formulate a plan while he was on the train.