Lost Without You [Open]

Mar 07, 2006 16:51

Character(s): Haku, Shuten, Xigbar, Paine, and anyone else who wants to come play.
Content: Haku arrives and tries to figure out some things, all the while feeling uncertain and lost without Zabuza.
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: Friday morning
Warnings: Lengthy Introduction Post

Haku stared at the orange clad ninja before him, masking his shock. That this child would claim the title shinobi and refuse to kill--It's not done. How do you prove useful? How do you protect your--And that's when it hit him, an overwhelming feeling that Zabuza was in trouble.

One last chance to be useful to Zabuza-san. "I'm sorry, Naruto-kun." With the assistance of his chakra, Haku went to go protect his precious person.

A burning pain in his chest greeted him, accompanied by a look of shock on the face of the grey-haired shinobi who had just plunged his hand through Haku's chest. "Haku..." The knowledge that he had succeeded in protecting his precious person warmed him as conciousness, and life(or so he thought), slipped from Haku's grasp.


Haku gasped as conciousness returned to him, sounding for all the world like some rescued drowning victim taking that first breath of air. He sat up, not seeing the people that eyed him oddly from their positions in live before some strange ice-born gate. His chest ached, and as he sought to figure out why, his mind was assaulted with the memories of what he had just done.

His hand didn't hit me, it went through me, ran Haku's thoughts. By all rights, I should be--Am I?

On impulse, Haku checked his pulse. Hmmm... Still living, I think. He looked down at his happi to find no signs that a hand had ever gone through his chest. Was it all just a dream? It felt so real?

"Zabuza-san?" There was no response, and Haku sighed. He didn't recognize his surroundings, and usually, if he woke up in some strange place, Zabuza was nearby to let him know where they were. I guess it did really happen. Did Zabuza-san die after I did? What kind of shinobi am I that I can't protect my precious person? What kind of tool am I that I wasn't there to do Zabuza-san's bidding?

He looked up at the gate and the domed city before him. I can at least figure out where I am, I guess. Perhaps Zabuza-san is here, too? Reaching up, he drew the chopsticks from his hair, and undid the bun. He then removed the bindings from his bangs and tucked the hair accessories into a pocket. The last thing removed was the hitai-ate, which was repositioned around his neck. Haku ran a hand through his now-loose hair and stood.

"Let's get this over with," he said quietly as he joined the queue before the gate. The ensuing wait provided ample opportunity for mental berating, feelings of uselessness, and utter dejection. Haku was, in fact, so entrenched in this downward spiral that his mind barely registered someone talking to him.

"Gomen nasai," Haku said with a polite bow to the stranger. "What did you say?"

This stranger, with his blonde hair and blue eyes, smiled at him cheerfully. It was kind of creepy. "I said... Welcome to Paixao! And your name is?"

"Oh," came Haku's reply. "Gomen ne. It's Haku."

"Right then, Haku!" the stranger exclaimed, writing fervently on a clipboard. He shoved a thin silver device into Haku's hands before ushering him through the gate.

Haku blinked, staring down at the silver device. He then looked around.

Okay, find some place to go, first, then figure out the silver thing and... Is it snowing? I haven't seen snow since before...

And Haku's face took on a very down-cast expression, reflecting the loss and uncertainty he felt. In this strange place, he would have to manage on his own somehow, and the thought was not comforting in the least.

niflheim, haku, xigbar, paine

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