Bookaholic [Active/Open]

Jun 14, 2011 02:09

Character(s): Remus Lupin and anyone who wants to join him.
Content: Remus is hitting the books to see what he can find on the darker aspects of Paixao.
Setting: Os Dias Sao a Noite (The library)
Time: Midday (Week 32)
Warnings: None I can think of.

Remus had leaned a valuable lesson... )

week 32, remus lupin, os dias sao a noite, naesala

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snaky_raven June 18 2011, 03:29:31 UTC
"Aha. Then it's certainly no magic I'm familiar with," he commented. "And now that you mention it, I've seen not one of those humans do much hard labor at all..." They really are pathetic, he mused to himself. Yes, this made sense to the raven.

"The creator of Paixao must be quite a mage."

Naesala listened with undivided attention and interest as the boy shared his experience with the living shadows in combat. "And the creatures of light are the 'Lumens', correct? I heard a little about them, but never had to tear through those beasts as I did with the heartless." He sounded fairly relaxed as he had thought about his recent encounters with some of the flying shadows. "To what I've seen, the heartless are indeed stronger in swarming numbers. I perch high from their reach when they gather and assemble by the hundreds. It doesn't make much of a difference to delay them."

To learn that there were people who could summon the things that don't know despair or pain--it would have to be looked into further. To him it was fascinating as well as risky to establish contact with them.


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