leave it for the morning in the afterlife. [ active / open ]

Jun 05, 2011 16:55

Character(s): Fang & OPEN.
Content: Arrival~
Setting: Vanaheim gate.
Time: Let's go for mid-morning on this one.
Warnings: Probably none.

"Right, well that's not much help," she shook her head, taking the object that was handed to her. How exactly she'd wound up in these new surroundings was beyond her as well. Last thing she knew they were traveling across Gran Pulse and then -- she woke up here, outside the large gate leading to the dome encasement.

Fang walked away from the 'welcoming booth' with s sigh, hands going to her hips as she took a look around. First waking up in enemy territory... now this place? She wasn't even sure if this was part of Cocoon, but it certainly wasn't Gran Pulse. The blonde haired natives didn't offer much in the way of information, either. Paixao, they'd called it... Damned if she'd ever heard of a place like that.

She frowned, and looked down at the object again, turning it around in her hands. "Wonder how this works..."

jenny, oerba dia vanille, oerba yun fang

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