Character(s): Roxas and Eleven
Content: After a short talk on the journals, Eleven decided that he wants to help Roxas with his memory problems
Setting: Niflheim, then Destiny Islands
Time: Midday
Warnings: This is probably going to get really depressing.
Roxas had gone straight to the Nifheim gate after talking with the Doctor. )
Comments 48
It was a good thing, then, that he'd arrived just in time to hear Roxas wonder where he was. He was good with time; he'd always been good with time. "I'm right here," came the cheerful and not the least bit frustrated (no, not at all, not even a little) reply, the Eleventh adjusting his bow tie and trying not to appear terribly put out. "Hello, again. Good to see you."
"Are you always this late?" he asked with a wry grin, one he found himself using often when teasing Sora or Ven. The other two never really took it all that well, but Roxas would find himself poking fun at them once in a while anyway. He figured he must have done that with all his friends from before he forgot, too, though he really didn't have any idea.
"Right!" he said, spinning on his heel and walking towards the exit, sticking his tongue out at the guards, "Castle floor, eenie-meenie-miney-moe, memories, then a nice cup of tea. Any complaints?"
"And no...nothing to complain about..." But worries? Those he had plenty of. If Naminé couldn't find anything, what would that mean for the Doctor? And what was the Doctor going to do if he did learn something?
"The stairs to reach the next floor are in the church, right?" He'd never been out of the city, not since meeting with his younger self. Surely there was no harm in asking.
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