A Lonesome Prince [Completed]

Apr 14, 2011 19:05

Character(s): Beast and Lumiere (and Mrs. Potts is welcome too~)
Content: Beast needs some cheering up after Cogsworth's disappearance
Setting: Beast's apartment
Time: Morning
Warnings: OH GOD THE EMO

A low growl rumbled in Beast's chest. His bedroom, which had already been in shambles, was now unrecognizable for the destruction he had caused, but nothing had changed. No matter how much he wanted it to, lashing out never helped. It never did anything but remind him of what he had become. And now...the only thing...the only person, that had been a certain sign of salvation...had just disappeared.

But...it wasn't just that. As Beast put a paw over the glass case that held the rose, he turned his face away. He was slowly realizing that he wasn't angry that Cogsworth was gone because he'd given Beast hope. He was sad that he had lost the companionship of someone he'd known for so long. He hadn't understood, while he was in the castle, how much every one of his servants meant to him. He had never thought about what it would be like to lose them until...he had come here, and had been forced to live without any of them. Then Lumiere had shown up, and Mrs. Potts, and Cogsworth. It had been like he was home, and for a time he felt like everything would be all right. He would get Belle to fall in love with him, and they would all be human again just like Cogsworth was. Beast...hadn't been expecting to lose him again. And when it happened...it hurt more than he would ever have thought it would. He had heard about people disappearing over the journals, but...he'd never thought it could happen to someone he was close to.

And now, with the threat of losing Belle suddenly very real, Beast could barely find the strength anymore to lift his shoulders. He turned his eyes back to the rose, only to watch another petal drift gracefully to the bottom of the case. He had precious little time left...and everything he'd been hoping for was being taken from him. What was he supposed to do, if he couldn't make Belle love him soon? What hope would be left?

What if...she disappeared too? How could he face Lumiere and Mrs. Potts?

beast, completed, week 30, lumiere

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