
Apr 10, 2011 15:33

Character(s): Axel and a teapot
Content: A fireman and a teapot meet. Wat do.
Setting: Uh... the streets somewhere close to a shop
Time: week 30, mid-day or so
Warnings: ... Axel.... and Mrs. Potts' lectures

Mrs. Potts had seen how her master had reacted to Cogsworth's disappearance and she didn't like seeing him so upset. It worried her. Cogsworth, even with his temper, had been a source of hope for all of them. A human servant meant that the spell had been broken at some point, and would be in their future. Now, though, he was gone, and with it their hope had been stabbed straight through.

Not one for sitting around and moping, the teapot got it into her head to try to find something that would cheer her master up. She made sure to leave a text message with him so he wouldn't think she'd been taken, too, and hopped downstairs. The trek was just as long this way as coming back up, but eventually she was out on the street and heading down to a shop she hoped might have ingredients for a smashing dinner... or at the very least, something he could give to Belle or keep for himself that would remind him of her. They all needed the comfort.

So, onward she hopped, hoping to find a poor, kind soul who might be willing to help her out.

axel, week 30, mrs. potts

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