Anyone Order the Busty Bar Hostess? [Active]

Apr 03, 2011 22:40

Character(s): Tifa Lockhart and anyone!
Content: Tifa's arrivals.
Setting: Vanaheim gate and there arounds
Time: Evening, sometime in week 30
Warnings: None???

From the lack of real vegetation, she almost thought she was back in Midgar. Though the city Tifa was currently in was far different from the place she had once lived in. Edge was far closer, being on the outskirts of the ruined ShinRa run metropolis that meteor had almost flattened two years ago. This place had a fake, eerie beauty about it, but it was still unsettling, and Tifa was beginning to worry.

She didn't recognize this place in the slightest, and after having been all over Gaia and back, she was sure she'd been everywhere. Now she had stumbled into a castle/city through a gate formed by fake looking trees and had been handed what looked like a mini laptop. For now it was in one of her front pockets, smacking lightly against her thigh as she walked. This place was a sprawling maze and she wasn't the biggest fan of getting lost in a place she didn't know.

"No sign of Cloud... or the kids. How in the world did I even get here?" she asked, running fingers through her hair as she stopped at what appeared to be a four way junction. "And now where do I go?"

tifa lockhart, oerba dia vanille

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