Little Pink Riding Hood [Active]

Mar 19, 2011 19:33

Character(s): Lottie, Wolf
Content: Lottie settles back into her townhouse and gets a gentleman caller. Who has a tail.
Setting: Promenade Terrace
Time: Week 29, Afternoon
Warnings: None

There were no words to describe the relief Lottie had felt when she opened the door to her old townhouse and found it empty of any new owners. A fine film of dust had accumulated on the furniture she'd bought the last time she was here, but other than that, the house was undisturbed. So though Charlotte LaBouff was forced to clean with her own two hands, a sense of peace and contentment settled in her heart. It was the feeling of being home.

Now she freshened up in her bedroom, sitting at the plain but serviceable wooden vanity. It didn't have gilded gold knobs and the mirror wasn't half as impressive as the one she had back in her own world, but she knew beggars couldn't be choosers. Why, some didn't have a vanity at all! Could you even imagine?

Dressed a deep pink sundress adorned with red ribbons, Lottie carefully curled her eyelashes with mascara. Mr. Wolf was coming and a lady had to look her best! Even if he wasn't a prince.

lottie, wolf, promenade terrace, week 29

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