Character(s): Naminé and Kairi
Content: A Nobody finally meets her Somebody
Setting: Cafe Ersesat by Nifleheim
Time: Week 29, midday
Warnings: Cavities. Yup.
Naminé had never actually met Kairi before this. Sure, she'd tried to talk to her Other a few times and had always meant to go out and meet her sometime, but then Kairi had disappeared and things had just turned different. Naminé was still trying to wrap her head around it all. But now that her life (or nonexistence, whichever) had calmed down a little, she'd contacted Kairi.
And now they were going to actually meet. And Naminé was nervous.
She was sitting at one of the tables, hands wrapped around a mug of hot cocoa, as she waited for Kairi to arrive. She had things to talk about, things she wanted to know. Mostly, she just wanted to get to know Kairi a little more. Oddly enough.