An Escape of Sorts [Active]

Jan 14, 2011 13:39

Character(s): Flynn Rider, Hercules, Balthier
Content: Flynn is back home for all of one day, then finds himself abruptly back in Paixao.
Setting: Vanaheim gate
Time: Week 27, Just a little while after this log.
Warnings: ...Snark. Oh god the snark. And with Herc around we of course can't guarantee the city's safety.

That was...odd. Once second, he's fighting the guards, the next he's staring at the domed city of Paixao again. And...still in handcuffs. "All right, either I'm dreaming, or this entire thing is somebody's idea of a sick joke."

This gate was different from the other one, but it led into the same city, and he got the same "welcome" that he had before. It even looked like he was handed the same journal. " to figure out where I'm going."

Using the journal while wearing handcuffs wasn't the easiest thing in the world, but then, most of the things Flynn did wouldn't exactly qualify as "easy." From what it looked like, he hadn't even been back in the Kingdom for that whole day before coming back here. With any luck, that meant he had time to sneak back into the the hotel before...

Rapunzel! No, what about her back in the--

But she was here, safe and sound. She was probably still in her hotel room, sleeping. Then, what did that mean about...? How did this place work? He put a palm to his forehead and decided it was best not to think about it too hard, and worry about the Rapunzel that was here, and the one that was back home when he made it there again. He hoped that this wouldn't happen every time he went to sleep, that could make things very frustrating.

The question right now was he going to get these handcuffs off by the time he got to the hotel? Sure it was all the way on the other side of the city, but where was he supposed to get a set of lockpicks in a place like this? He started scanning the crowd for a woman wearing hairpins. They were hard to use, but better than nothing...

hercules, fran, flynn rider, week 27, balthier

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