To See You In Heaven (Active/Closed)

Jan 04, 2011 16:40

Character(s): Yuna, Rikku, Tidus
Content: A former summoner meets up with her cousin and boyfriend
Setting: Iriela Apartments, close to Yuna's apartment
Time: Week 28, once she's back from Spira. Probably mid-morning?
Warnings: Call the hospital, there's wibbles and cavities in here

So much had happened recently for Yuna. Her trip to Spira had taken longer than she'd expected and she'd come across much more than she'd ever thought she would. A lot had happened in Spira. She'd seen a lot there, many of it her memories, both far distant and recent all the same, and she'd remembered much more than she'd wanted to. So much was different. So much had never changed. But there was a lot she couldn't talk about yet, a lot that had to be kept inside. Yuna didn't know who she could tell about it, but for now she held it all inside.

Once she'd said her farewells to Auron and Jecht, she'd hurried home. She needed to find out where Rikku and Tidus were staying now. She thought about whistling, but she wasn't sure he'd be able to hear her. She thought about opening her journal, but decided to do that once she'd gotten home. Right now, she needed to gather herself.

Yuna jogged the whole way, stopping just outside the complex to whistle sharply. She wasn't expecting a response at all, but she had to try.

tidus, week 28, rikku, yuna

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