Insectivores [Active/Closed]

Dec 15, 2010 20:08

Character(s): Pumbaa, Simba, and Timon
Content: Pumbaa is affected by the fog. Hilarity ensues.
Setting: The apartment. Yes, that apartment. The one you're thinking of.
Time: Dusk
Warnings: ...None expected.

"Take it from me! He's got it all worked out~" Pumbaa sang to himself as he trotted into the living room. He didn't have much to do today, and had, as he spent pretty much every other day, wasted the whole day sleeping. Though of course, to the laid-back warthog, sleeping was not a waste of time at all. In fact, it was much the opposite: the more time spent in bed, the better. That was Pumbaa's view on things, anyway.

So it struck him as very odd when something felt off about the apartment. He'd never really gotten that feeling before, there was a predator nearby! Someone wanted to eat him! Or worse, someone wanted to eat Timon! Or poor little Laharl and Flonne! ...Wait, no one would want to eat them, they looked too funny to be prey animals. But still! He had to find out what was going to eat somebody and warn Simba, before anything bad could happen!

"...Uh...Simba?" he called out. "Simba...I think there's something scary trying to sneak around..."

pumbaa, simba, timon, week 27

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