Character(s): Odette, The Doctor (Eleventh), Seraph Lamington
Content: Princess Odette wakes up from a peaceful slumber and finds herself in Paixao.
Setting: Starts at Joutenheim Gate, ends up at Jogo da Crianca.
Time: Night, Week 26
Warnings: None.
She was dancing. )
At first, he simply passed by the swan, not thinking anything of her - but wait. There had not been a single actual animal he'd lain his eyes on since arriving here; there were paintings of mystical creatures and the like, but nothing other than visitors and those unnervingly cookie-cutter humans (well, artificial humans, from the look of it - but no, that didn't work either) were here so far. The Doctor spun around and walked straight to the swan, kneeling in front of her and speaking as though they were already in mid-conversation. "Hold on," he stated, hands on the floor as he leaned forward, "you're a swan. There aren't swans here, there aren't any animals here, not naturally." He shifted from side to side, looking the stranger over earnestly. "You must be an import. They've been pulling people in, not animals, which means you must be unusual."
After pausing for breath, he added, "Hello. I'm the Doctor."
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