Character(s): Donna Noble and whoever shows up.
Content: With the Doctor distracted by the going's on, Donna decides to do a bit of exploring. And then she finds Destiny Islands.
Setting: Destiny Islands
Time: Week 26.
Warnings: None at this moment.
The Doctor was distracted by something, again. )
With these things in mind, Timon took forth in a journey he quickly come to regret, ready to head back the moment he had been forced to travel by foot outside the cities gates. But after far more walking than he had ever planned to have done, he finally reached the same door he remembered Vyers had brought him too, the door to Destiny Islands. And if he had made it this far on his own, he could not turn back now. Not unless something spooked him, anyway.
Timon had not been on the island terribly long before Donna’s arrival. He had begun by simply wandering along the guided path before he had caught sight of a beetle crawling across the ground. Without a second thought, he immediately followed it into a bush where he was rewarded an entire nest for his efforts. The meerkat had just finished feasting on the succulent little entrées and had begun to prepare himself for the main course, an entire colony of ants he had discovered down by the water before he heard a voice. A woman’s voice.
“Oi, who’s there?” he called out, taking hold of the nearest object in hopes of using it to defend himself. It turned out to be a stick, no larger than Timon himself, and ultimately a pretty lousy weapon. None the less, he held onto it tightly, daring to only peeking out from behind the rock he used to take cover. The voice was not one he recognized but they did not seem to carry a particularly threatening scent. They were definitely not a Nobody, or Heartless, or any other monster that had been known to muck about the city - er, island. Castle. Whatever.
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