Different Puzzels With The Same Pieces [Active]

Sep 25, 2010 20:44

Character(s): Riku, Vyers, and Timon
Content: Pieces of the mysterious Paixao report are placed together
Setting: Porfavore
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None

If Timon wanted Vyers to accompany him somewhere it was usually because he wanted something from the demon. Money, protection, or in this particular case someone to take the rap for the valuable document they had found. A document which they were certain belonged to the Organization. Timon had kept quiet about the mysterious report, expecting Vyers to have done the same, but after Riku had mentioned his own discovery Timon could not help wonder what his read. Or, maybe, he could even pass the part of the report they had found to the boy… For safe keeping, of course! Who better to be entrusted with such an important document and prepared for the backlash of the Organization? Not that Timon was scared. No, definitely not. ‘Terrified’ though, that seemed more appropriate because if the organization knew what information they held he was certain they would find themselves in very deep trouble. However, if they handed the report to Riku, they could clear their names and avoid attracting Organization Thirteen’s interest any more than they already had.

Most would say what the meerkat planned to do was dirty, and they would be right, but with the ‘children’ who inhabited their apartment in mind, Timon would easily argue otherwise. They did not need yet one more reason to lead the Organization to them. And, after all, he was not the only one who would choose to protect his own hide in such a situation! Oh, and the children’s hides too. Yes. He was thinking of the children too… completely.

Dragging Vyers out proved surprisingly difficult that afternoon. Not only had he been forced to take the far from willing demon along, he had to go somewhere both he and Riku considered ‘affordable’. There would be no ‘dine and dashes’ this time - though Timon’s last attempt had left him far from successful at the ‘dash’ part. Porfavore's felt like the right choice, especially when it was something both Timon and Vyers could agree on. The family owned restaurant had become a favourite of theirs when they had lived in their old apartment.

Timon sat boredly across from Vyers in their secluded booth, playing idly with their salt shaker while they awaited Riku’s arrival. He had seen Vyers use the shaker occasionally, but never actually its mysterious content himself. Curious, he raised it above his head and began to tip it, eye dangerously close to the shakers end in order to get a closer look at its content.

porfavore's, timon, riku, week 24, vyers (mid-boss)

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