Terrors of a Full Moon [Active, Open]

Aug 28, 2010 01:38

Character(s): Remus Lupin and anyone else.
Content: It's the full moon, and Remus transforms into a werewolf, and goes running around the city of Paixao.
Setting: All over Paixao.
Time: Nightfall, after the moon rises.
Warnings: Please note that any character in this thread will encounter Remus and may be subject to getting hurt, or, if they're human, of becoming a werewolf themselves.

Party Thread style plzkthx

The sun was setting, and Remus was heading straight for the church. Despite feeling like he was going to keel over and pass out. He hoped beyond hope that the heavy doors could contain him, and that he could find a room without any windows to jump through. The sun was disappearing below the horizon, and he knew the moon would be up soon after. Remus ran through the building, looking for a secure place to lock himself up.

By the time Remus had found a secluded room, the sun was down, and the moon started to rise. Pain started to course through him, and he fell to his knees on the floor, doubles over from the intense pain with his wand dropping to the floor as well. The moon rose higher, and Remus screamed, the transformation taking over and the beast that he tried so hard to hide came out. Remus' screams soon turned to harsh howls, and what used to be a kind, considerate boy now ran through the church and burst out the front doors. Remus was loose in the city of Paixao. No one was safe.

remus lupin, wolf, zetta, week 24, saïx

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