Where the heck am I? [Active/Open]

Jun 29, 2010 20:49

Character(s): Adell, open
Content: Adell just showed up. Is confused.
Setting: Muspelheim
Time: Afternoon, as soon as he shows up.
Warnings: None, I'd think.

Adell was confused. He's seen a lot of things in his time. Murderous cat-women. Plant-men. Washed up old rockstars becoming popular again due to random chance. He's seen his family become demons, and he's seen them transform back. He's seen different worlds, even. He has no problem waking up in different worlds from his home world. The problem is when he wasn't aware he went to sleep. And when his family is nowhere in sight. Adell looked around, panicked. "Taro? Mom? Dad?" he yelled, standing up and in a circle, trying to find any trace of his family's existence. "Rozalin?" he tries, waiting for confirmation from the overlord's reincarnation. Nothing. He takes a couple of deep breaths and waits some more. Still nothing. It must be a dream, he decides, reaching up to his shoulder with one hand to pinch himself. Still nothing. Not a dream, then.

He curses under his breath and tries to look around some more. What he sees is rather...shocking. Giant gates made up of golden flames. A line outside said gates, waiting to go inside. He nods to himself, thinking. He's obvious been kidnapped. Why, though? Did they want him? Was it just random chance? Or...did whoever kidnap him do so in order to get at his family? Or even Rozalin? He gritted his teeth. He needed to get back home as soon as possible. He nodded and looked at the gates. It'd be easier to find a way out if he went inside. More people to ask. And given that the only way to get inside would be to get in line... He got in line and waited. He had nothing better to do

priere, adell, week 22

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