Another Great City [Active/Open]

May 01, 2010 02:42

Character(s): Kida and anyone who bumps into her.
Content: An odd but exotic woman in minor armor enters Paixao.
Setting: Muspelheim Gate
Time: Dawn, Week 20
Warnings: None

Kida laid her head on her arm. It was very late, and she and Milo had been working hard. It had been two months since her father had died, but she could only hope his spirit was smiling with all they had done. Though still an unexperienced reader, Kida had achieved literacy in her language, though she still had plenty to learn. However, she could speak many languages, and she yearned to be literate in as many as she could. Milo was aiding her on this quest, working with her tonight on memorizing the alphabet and learning English pronunciation.

She felt a jacket being placed over her shoulders and she raised her head. “I can continue, I simply need rest.”

Milo stretched and yawned after a chuckle. “I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up, but I’ll give it a shot. I’m going to get some coffee, though.”

“Very well. I will wait here.” Kida put her head back down on the table, laying so she could see the papers in front of her. “Ae. Bee. See. Dee. Ea. Eff...” With a sigh she closed her eyes. She suspected she’d drift off, but the queen began to stop caring. Sleep embraced her and time faded from one hour to another. She inhaled deeply as she stirred, getting a lungful of dust.

Kida awoke with a start, coughing violently to expel what she’d inhaled. Disoriented, she looked around. A morning sun was rising from the horizon as she rose from the ground, looking in awe up at a great building. “...How can this be?” she whispered. “Why am I here? What culture could create a building grander than that of Atlantis?” But as she looked around the building, she soon found it stretched beyond the scope of a single building. Nothing that large could be anything short of a city. And ahead laid the doors of one of the greatest gates she had ever seen, embellished with great golden flames that stood out from the doors in high relief.

“...There are people. There shall be answers.”

kida, xion, week 20

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