Character(s): Sheik, Maleficent
Content: Sheik goes to investigate this "City Hall" place, and probably gets more than she bargained for.
Setting: City Hall
Time: Evening
Warnings: TBA
For all the names she'd squeezed out of the self-proclaimed Overlord and the odd device from the gate, Sheik still had little more information than when she'd begun. Some alliance between the Mistress of All Evil, the Lord of the Dead, and a pirate captain, whoever they were. And on the other hand, the Organization, who she knew even less about.
What they'd given her were leads, though, and those were what she truly needed. Even had they been more forthcoming, there were only two people alive whose word she could take at face value.
She passed over the streets like one of the many shadows descending upon the city, black and soundless, from wall to ledge to balcony, all the quicker as her destination grew close. By the time she reached it, night had fallen.
The building stood out - or rather, the lack of it did. Thick, black thorns surrounded it like a shell, permitting nothing to enter or leave, and a fog of darkness hung heavily about it, chilling even her, who was used to it. It was a different chill than his, yes, but that failed to reassure her much. Only a creature of great evil could produce an aura like this. Even with her magic so deeply dulled, it stung like a foul odor.
Well. This was the place, at least.
Trying to enter just now was out of the question. Zelda might have been able to clear a path through the thorns, but Zelda didn't exist here. And no matter who she was, the odds of surviving a blind invasion like that were minimal at best. Link would have to know about this place, although not until she had more to tell him.
Slowly, she began to circle the outside of the barrier, keeping to the shadows as much as possible, although here that state was more difficult to maintain. Shadows only existed in the presence of light, after all, and the thorns seemed to suck out all the light from the air around them.