Let's Ditch This Place [Active]

Apr 23, 2010 02:51

Character(s): Laharl, Etna and Flonne
Content: They... leave Halloween Town.
Setting: Halloween Town and anywhere in between.
Time: Early week 20 presumably. Sometimes after fighting Vyers and Laharl's conversation with him on the journals... but before Flonne at Iroh's tea place. SOMEWHERE IN THERE, YEAH.
Warnings: ...None as of now.

The trio had ended up spending a fair deal of time in 'Halloween Town' exploring and fighting. Laharl still thought it was a dumb name, but the dark atmosphere had been a rather welcome change to Paixao's , but he'd quickly found the place did have it's draw backs. One such draw back was a lack of food. At least not much that was edible. Laharl's stomach was starting to grumble something awful.

About all they had in reward for their efforts to find the next floor, were cards. A couple stupid cards. Laharl would have chucked them aside, if it wasn't that he had a feeling they were for something, so he held onto them. Maybe someone else would have some bright idea of what they were for.

And then there was Vyers.

While Laharl had tried to put the fight out of his mind, he just couldn't stop thinking about how strange it was and how off it had felt. He'd fought 'Mid-Boss' plenty of times and never seen him do anything quite like that. Cramps and stupid excuses? Yes, but just nothing like that. And the young demon was fairly sure he hadn't injured him; Laharl hadn't used that much power. As much as he'd once had the desire to kill his father, he couldn't say he particularly desired it now, (and he was already Overlord, so wouldn't exactly achieve anything), so hadn't felt any inclination to use a lot of energy. Never mind the fact he hadn't exactly need to use much power to knock Vyers down a peg.

Still, it just bugged him. The sense something was wrong kept tickling him in the back of his mind. In the end, Laharl found a chance to break away from Etna and Flonne to check his journal and had spoken to his father.

Of course, he'd denied anything was wrong at all. Laharl wasn't stupid. The conversation completely pointed to something being up, not to mention how he was typing his replies while Laharl had been voice posting. Usually he did too, so that seemed like another clue. Something was wrong, just the question was, what? How serious was this? It had to be somewhat serious, or he wouldn't have been hiding it like that. Gah! It was just so damn frustrating. As usual, his old man wasn't telling him things!

Stupid Old Man. Stupid, stupid, stupid...

Laharl, of course, tried to just shrug it off. What did he care? He didn't. Not one little bit! Let him keep his stupid secrets. Even if Laharl DID know what was wrong, what could he do anyways? Nothing.

But it just wouldn't go away.

"The food here sucks. Let's get the hell out of here already," Laharl told Flonne and Etna eventually. While Laharl's mood had taken a dive for the worst, hopefully they had put it down to Laharl being crabby due to hunger.

He'd get back to Paixao, get food, maaaaaaybe check on his old man, then come back out here to find the next floor. Then he could get back to finding the other floor without wondering about stupid things.

etna, flonne, laharl

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