Character(s): Riku, Timon, Sora, Kairi, Vyers, Toph, Neirenn, Lei’ella, Aerith Gainsborough, others?
Content: Exploring floors, mostly Halloween Town and Christmas Town
Setting: Starts about to enter Destiny Islands and makes its way up the floors.
Time: Week 19, Pre-dawn Paixao, Dawn/morning Destiny Islands, and somehow always night at Halloween Town and Christmas Town...
Warnings: Heartless encounters and various antics.
Note: IN THE SPIRIT OF EXPLORATION THREADS... Riku had been planning on this, too. Those invited posted in Riku's journal
here. Feel free to join too. Also look in the OOC board for additional info, like
here. Jump in when you're ready to be added to post order! Because THERE IS NO POST ORDER NOW.
Though he'd never admit to it, Riku felt sick when he got up. Unused to early hours and even less keen to be up that early, his body was a chore to move. Still, he got himself ready and shoved some food into his mouth before going to make sure Sora was up and meet up with the others.
Getting past the guards had been pretty easy, just as Riku had hoped at this hour. It had been a mixture of distraction and then literally shoving past as soon as the others were out of sight. He was thankful for his oversized pockets, beyond the fact it meant he never needed a pack. Having a little water in the ruins surrounding the city was a blessing, especially as his body began to slowly catch up with what his brain was trying to make it do.
And then came the Elysian Fields. He and his companions were under-lit blue by the grass, and Riku caught sight of an occasional animal unlike any he’d ever seen before. He looked up at the glowing snow and held his hand out only to find it sink into his skin. He jerked back a moment in surprise, but then looked back at his hand, marveling at how nice and warm it had felt. Riku decided he’d want to come back to see this place again.
But that would be for another time. The teen now stood in front of a door inside a beautiful though ruined church. He felt such peace there, yet he knew everything here was an illusion. Such was the nature of Castle Oblivion. The door itself felt slightly funny, and he felt an itch beyond his fingers: something with his Keyblade reacting to that keyhole. He opened it rather nonchalantly to be greeted by a painfully white hall and stairwell. His expression was less-than-thrilled, and his pace up those steps was quick. He wanted out. Now.
On the other side of the large white door was the illusion of his home, but the sight of which he was willing to welcome. With a single strong tug he pulled it open, greeted by a burst of a warm salty breeze that tosed his long hair back. With a smile, he stepped onto the sand and turned to look to the horizon just in time to greet the rising sun.
But as he caught sight of a tiny silhouetted island connected to a bridge, his smile faded. The last time I was here was afternoon, and I saw Roxas running on the beach. I was kneeling on the Island with the crooked tree. ...Why wasn't I sitting on the tree like I always do? Something felt out of place.