Touching Base [Active/Open]

Jan 08, 2010 01:13

Characters: Luxord, anybody who wishes to drop by
Content: Luxord is at the bar, keeping an eye and an ear out for anything Relative To His Interests.
Setting: The Cheap Prayer
Time: Week 16, evening
Warnings: None as of yet

He'd been far too busy as of late. Unfortunately, he had little to show for it: scraps of information that did not amount to much, an utter lack of sightings of Marluxia, and quite simply nothing he could put into a report. His next stop was the next floor up, certainly, but for now he had returned to a constant: the Cheap Prayer. He still held the belief that the best information could be gleaned from an unwitting patron in a bar, and he had not come by in quite a while. If all else failed, he could at least expect some amusement and a stiff drink.

On that matter, he'd erred on the side of subtlety; after all, who could look askance at a double martini?

luxord, setzer gabbiani, the cheap prayer, week 16

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