Goddess Knows Best [Active]

Nov 26, 2009 23:39

Character(s): Jecht, Tidus and Urd
Content: Urd meddles in yet another father/son relationship.
Setting: Cafe Ersesat [L7]
Time: Week 14, early afternoon.
Warnings: None?

Urd had sent out two different letters yesterday. The first was to Tidus, asking him to join her at the cafe the next afternoon for some nice lunch and to talk more about blitzball. Getting the boy to come would be the easy part -- they hit it off rather well at her party and he seemed like a pretty friendly guy. The problem would be Jecht.

Sure, he'd admitted to wanting to connect with his son, but wanting to and actually following through were two very different matters. Much like with another father she'd generously helped, Urd wasn't sure Jecht would have the guts to actually show up. Her letter to him was been a lot more detailed:


Remember that little chat we had last week? You didn't think I forgot, did you? It's time to put Operation: Bonding into effect! Tidus will be waiting for you at the Cafe Ersesat in section L7. He thinks he'll be having lunch with me, but that's when you'll show up, a "chance meeting!"

Don't worry, I'll be there in secret to help you say the right things.


Now, hidden from view from the patrons of the cafe, she kept an eye out for both blitzballers.

It felt so good to help others.

cafe ersesat, tidus, week 14, urd, jecht

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