Marshmellows [Active, Closed]

Jun 26, 2009 20:23

Character(s): Yuuko and Hanekoma
Content: Yuuko has a strange craving for smores that she blames on Harry.
Setting: Yuuko's front yard.
Time: Late-evening-Night, Week 7 [around the time the group is going to attack Hades]
Warnings: Yuuko is Yuuko and Hanekoma is Hanekoma.

To say Yuuko was bored out of her skull would be an understatement. Of course, Watanuki would be able to tell you that when Yuuko was bored...bad things tended to happen (to him that is). Yuuko had debated a long time over what to do. Harry was out saving the world or a damsel in distress or something else heroic. This made her sad, since without him she couldn't set up her pool.

It was getting dark and it was a nice night outside. Yuuko stood on her porch and suddenly an idea occurred to her. "Ah-hah! Smores," she cheered, clasping her hands together in triumph. She went back inside to gather the necessary ingredients (as well as a select brand of sake that would taste WONDERFUL with it). As she was heading back outside, she was again struck with the thought of how nice it would be to have Mokona or Watanuki here with her. She sighed, shaking her head, "If he was here, I wouldn't have to make the fire myself."

Yuuko started putting together the wood for a fire. This was going to be excellent. If only she had some company to enjoy it.

sanae hanekoma, week 7, yuuko's shop, ichihara yuuko

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