Dragoon and Gunner [active]

Jun 09, 2009 11:40

Character(s): Cid, Vincent, and Lara
Content: Friends getting together for a little talk
Setting: Cid's shop
Time: Shortly after this thread
Warnings: Cid.

If you asked Cid, it was about damned time that someone else showed up. Or well. Someone who wasn't ShinRa, or that weirdly young Cloud Zack had hauled into that one meeting. Even if it was the damned spook of the bunch.

Still, better a spook than no one, and he had been missing the rest of them lately. Hell, maybe it would even help make up for the lack of a sky, or any of his ships. But before that, there were a few things to grill Vince on. This 'Omega' thing for one. And possibly also this army thing.

But first he had to wait for him to show up...

lara croft, vincent valentine, cid's shop, cid highwind

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