Beyond the Gates of Mist [Active]

Jan 08, 2009 14:32

Character(s): The Doctor, Lara Croft and Sonic
Content: The crew goes to the church a second time for further investigation.
Setting: from the Nifleheim gate through the Elysian Fields to St. Destino.
Time: I presume early afternoon, after they leave the cafe.
Warnings: Violence.

It was time. Lara had made all the necessary preparations, updated her PDA and gotten as much ammunition as she could reasonably carry without it getting in the way. She had stocked up on her first aid supplies, in case the strange grey shadows came back - and if the thing that had made the claw-marks in the floor of the church happened to be around. The archaeologist had been greatly looking forward to this, and despite the time it had taken to pin something down, she felt it would be worth it.

She would make it be worth it, if she had to. With that thought firmly in her mind, Lara turned to her companions and grinned. "Well, gentlemen," she said, checking the holsters on her thighs once more, "are we ready?" Lara was unaccustomed to working with others, but she could certainly bring herself to share, she thought amusedly.

lara croft, st. destino, niflheim, elysian fields, the doctor (tenth), sonic the hedgehog

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