Character(s): Dr. Cid and Cid Highwind
Content: Finally, the two Cid's meet. It could go good, or bad.
Setting: Cid's Shop [J7]
Time: Late afternoon, I suppose
Warnings: A crazy Cid and a very loud Cid? :D?
Ah, at last he had gone to the shop. He was constantly finding new distractions that seemed more important for him to take care of. Preparations. And yet, with a dark scowl, he came to realize that his "Plan B" for his return to Ivalice was gone. The brat. She would have been a perfect tool to use with her abilities... He only hoped that she hadn't vanished completely, and that perhaps the Organization had taken her. Yes. He hoped for that.
Otherwise... Otherwise he would be back to square one.
Cid entered in, grumbling about the recent happenings to Venat, about how his plans were in ruin, and that it was time to build. The shop seemed an interesting one - and if it had the name 'Cid' tacked to it, then it most certainly be of interest, if it were to be proper. A wide selection, thankfully better than the Glass Bonsai.
He found himself drawn to the small bits of equipment, fishing around for pieces he could use. He was back to his plans to make rooks, it would seem.