When you're mute, no one can hear you scream. [Active | Closed]

Dec 20, 2008 23:05

Characters: Jintetsu, Vexen
Content: X-spearmints!
Setting: ?????
Time: ?????
Warnings: omg darkness.

The second time the quicksilver creatures came for him, Jintetsu didn't resist. He was injured as it was, and picking a fight now, when there was nothing to win, would have been idiotic.

The setup of the room they took him to was different than before, but the procedure thus far was about the same, with the exception that they none-too-gently fastened him to a table this time, instead of a chair, before disappearing in the same unnatural manner that they'd appeared.

And he waited. His ribs were aching badly again, but he ignored them, his mind occupied with whatever was going to happen next. He didn't expect or anticipate getting any more answers now than before, but the need for them had grown significantly since then.

He'd died once before. He wasn't afraid to do it again. But that little girl...

Why? What could they possibly hope to get out of this?

vexen, jintetsu, experiments

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