Now I know we'll carry on... [Active]

Dec 14, 2008 00:35

Characters: Zidane and Dagger
Content: A long-overdue reunion of the pair :D
Setting: Around Joutenheim gate, at an older woman's house
Time: Huuum... let's say afternoon.
Warnings: Possible sugaryness? :D

Zidane wasted no time. Dagger was here. (Part of him remembered that it was 'again', but it was a fuzzy meeting, that last one, and he sometimes wondered if it even happened. Despite that fuzziness, he remembered that she barely knew him, and this one... she did.) Joutenheim wasn't too far from where he had been keeping at Clan Centurio Headquarters.

He made it to the gate area quickly, pushed mostly by adrenaline, and the rest of his energy came from the thought of being able to see her face again. How long had it been, really? How long had he been in this city? Longer than he wanted; that was enough of an answer.

The adrenaline was ebbing away, slowly. He stood in the street, glancing around, realizing he hadn't exactly gotten much information for where she was staying. The area was a bit busy with the afternoon, he thought, while wandering more around, eying the smaller buildings and frowning.

But she knew he was coming. He started looking through the small crowd, hoping to see her familiar face somewhere amongst it. And with a bit of confidence, he yelled out, loudly, "Dagger!"

garnet "dagger" til alexandros, zidane tribal, joutenheim

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