OH GOD, YOU'RE BACK, DOOD?! [active]

Oct 11, 2008 19:39

Character(s):  Zim. the Prinny Squad, Knuckles
Content:  Zim's return.  The Prinny Squad's sorrow.  Knuckles'  WTF.
Setting: Vanaheim Gate
Time:  Midday
Warnings:  Zim.

While Paixao may not have been incredibly peaceful at the moment, it wasn't as... loud as it once was.  Of course, the noise was about to increase by a few decibels with a single visitor.

He had been there before, of course.  Diminutive as the Irken was, he was almost impossible to miss--something the people in line were learning all over again, now that Zim was pointing at them aggressively and at random demanding to know where he had been taken.

"Just... Just go to the front of the line!" one finally snapped.

A cry of assent rose from the crowd before they converged on him and quickly shoved the alien up to the gatekeeper--whose face fell the moment he saw the loud little thing approach.  Oh, he remembered Zim.  In fact, this was the same gatekeeper who had been there when the Irken had arrived.  But!  It was not his job to be sad!  No, no!  He had to be happy.  HAPPY!  ALL THE TIME!

And so, the gatekeeper put on the happiest, shiniest grin he could muster, attempting to hold himself together as Zim began his line of interrogation.  "WHERE AM I?!" he shrieked.

"You're in Paixao!" the gatekeeper replied.  It was followed by a significantly less enthusiastic "...Again."

But Zim wasn't about to be deterred by the stink-pig's trickery!  "WHERE AM I?!" he yelled again.

The gatekeeper's eye twitched, but he was still able to keep a grin on his face.  "As I said, mister, you're in Paixao!  Welcome back!"


Another eye-twitch and the grin faltered for the briefest of seconds.  "Well...  You're in... Paixao!" he tried to explain, hoping that saying it slower might help the little green boy understand.

This time Zim just hadn't been listening.  "Where am I?"


"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE!" the gatekeeper cried, nearly pulling out his hair in frustration.  He picked up the journal Zim had left on his departure and hurled it at Zim's head, the Irken getting knocked off his feet by the sheer force of the blow.  The gatekeeper, now in hysterics, promptly ran off into the distance, screaming his head off.

Of course, the crowd didn't want him there either, and so they quickly rushed Zim inside the domes and threw the journal in after him.

The blow to the head hadn't hurt him too badly, and as he got to his feet and brushed himself off, he came to a startling conclusion.  "THIS PLACE!  IT IS THE PAIXAO!"

prinny squad, zim, knuckles the echidna, vanaheim

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