Character(s): Sin-spawn, Lumens.. (others are allowed in, but please let them some rounds in :DD)
Content: Given the new disturbance, the lumens, to say the least, are furious. AKA fighting. And yet you'd think they'd be at Galileo, but don't worry, they're not XD
Setting: G7
Time: Dusk
Warnings: Violence lol. Possibly lumen death? D: And damaged buildings :D
They were moving towards the source. Drawn by the darkness, enraged by it. As if the citizens weren't bad enough with their pollution, now this? It made them tremble, as if almost in pain from how the stench grew from the start. They couldn't take it anymore, though many ducked back into the Elysian Fields, overwhelmed by the power. Many hid.
Several were pulling in from other directions, striding up from alleyways and ignoring all in their path to the source. Right now, they only had one target. Everything else - all the polluting citizens - they didn't matter. They were nothing compared to what they sniffed out.
Lumorions (scorpion-like) scuttled up towards the action, speckled in and about the other gathered luxanis (wolf-like) and lunepes (fox-like) that swamped the area; glowering brilliantly in the falling night. Eyes of gold narrowed, stances tensed, and energy of light dancing wildly around them.
They needed to erase the threat.