Character(s): Hexadecimal, the Prinny Squad, Larxene
Content: Hex enters Paixao. She meets the prinnies, and Larxene drops by to kidnap Keesling.
Setting: Niflheim Gate
Time: afternoon
Warnings: None
This did not look very much like defragmentation. Or feel like it, though Hexadecimal wasn't entirely sure what that would look or feel like. This felt like nothing at all unusual, and so it felt wrong. She tilted her head to one side, her masked face flickering to one of open-mouthed surprise, for that was certainly what she was feeling at the moment. That and confusion. This was nowhere in Mainframe or Lost Angles, she was sure. Another system, then? Some form of after-deletion system for viruses?
She had no idea, but with a wave of her hand across her face the mask switched to a smiling one, because my, wasn't this interesting? An entirely new playground, how charming! She stood before a gate with a line of blond-haired sprites. Normally she wasn't one for waiting in line, but curiosity got the best of her, and the line wasn't that long anyway. She fell into step behind them and waited all of a moment or two before she decided that waiting in line just was not for her.
"Move!" she commanded, her face switching to disgruntled as she threatened the sprites with a burst of red energy from one hand.
They moved, fast. Switching to a smile, she strolled up to the frightened-looking guard.
"N-name?" he spluttered.
She laughed, a little. "Hexadecimal."
The guard nodded hastily and shoved a red box in her direction. "Y-your journal. Welcome to Paixao!"
He seemed uncomfortable, then: the sprites waiting in line had scattered and were watching for her to leave, but until she did, there was nobody else in line for the guard to address. Hexadecimal smiled sweetly (of course, her mask was stuck that way for the moment, so she would have done the same to anyone) and continued on her way. The journal was, for the moment, more interesting than the guard. She did make a note to come back later, however, and see what he was up to. Nothing wrong with causing a little chaos, right?