Character(s): Yaten/Sailor Star Healer
Content: Sailor Star Healer gets knocked down in a fight with a Phage, and wakes up in Paixao. She is not happy.
Setting: Tokyo, then Vanaheim.
Time: Tuesday Afternoon
Warnings: ...Sailor Star Healer. Yeah.
"Healer!" Maker yelled at the other Starlight. The white-haired senshi didn't process the brunette's warning in time to duck the admittedly heavy arm the Phage swung at her head. That was the last thing she remembered of Tokyo- getting Phage-smacked across the head.
When she woke up, she was not in Tokyo. In fact, she was in some... strange place. It was cold-- too cold for her skimpy little uniform, anyway. She curled her gloved hands into fists, looking around. Ow, her head hurt. She looked herself over, making sure she hadn't sustained any life-threatening injuries. Nope, just that whack to the head.
She looked around, green eyes going wide. Lots and lots of blond-haired, blue-eyed people. She paused, looking around for her fellow Starlights.
"Fighter! Maker! ...They aren't here." The short sailor soldier rose to her feet, eyes drawn to the large trees. She ignored the crowd- she was getting quite good at that, all things considered. She strolled through, to the gate.
"Welcome to Paixao," someone told her. "Name?"
"Sailor Star Healer," she replied. She blinked as a silvery, boxlike object was given to her. She blinked, looking around as she entered the city.
"Paixao, hmm? I wonder if... she's here..." With that comment, Healer dropped her transformation.