Characters: Spirit, random Lumens, Kit Fisto, Cloud Strife
Content: Spirit arrives outside Niflheim and is very confused, to say the least. Later, Kit meets up with him inside the city, and then Cloud meets up with Kit.
Setting: Outside Niflheim gate, later just inside it.
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None.
Prey animals that rely on speed are naturally light sleepers, so when Spirit's night abruptly became day he kicked off into a gallop before fulling waking up. As he turned around to face any potential predators behind him, his jaw dropped open.
Spirit's homeland did not, to his knowledge, have nearly that many two-leggeds in it. And he was sure it didn't have... well, it didn't have that thing all the two-leggeds were lined up in front of. As a final confirmation that he either wasn't home or was hallucinating extremely vividly, his herd was nowhere to be seen or smelled.
There's only so much even the bravest heart can take in one go, particularly when it resides in someone whose instincts prefer flight over fight. Spirit wheeled around, away from the two-leggeds, and ran.