Character(s): Aang and Zuko
Content: An unlikely reunion takes place after Aang arrives in Paixao.
Setting: Niflheim area.
Time: Afternoon
Warnings: None so far.
It hadn't been for very long that Aang had suddenly found himself in what seemed to be an entirely different world. He had been walking for a while now, quite enjoying the scenery. Moments before he had been able to write and somehow communicate with others through the rectangular thing he had been given at the gate. One of the folders had said it was a journal so naturally Aang had to try it out. It took some fumbling but the system hadn't been too difficult to figure out.
The journal was pocketed away for now after he found out it also had a map and had taken a good look at it. Apparently there was a train station somewhere near here and Aang deemed it worthy of checking out. But for now he had to pass through rows of apartments to get there.