Character(s): Soma, Mina
Content: Dinner and a show?
Setting: Cafe Ersesat, L7, and then Ceu de Mouraria, L8
Time: Mid evening
Warnings: Boyfriend having dinner with his girlfriend? Kissy faces possible, and whole truckloads of cute.
As reincarnations of evil go, Soma wasn't all that threatening-looking. Sure, he had a sword belted at his hip, but it was peace-bound, and he was wearing a white tux. He wasn't quite sure why, either, except that Mina had insisted that he dress up and meet her here, at this time.
Standing by one of the two seats at the table he'd been directed to, he felt a bit foolish. He'd combed his hair into something approximating order - though it would resume its own devices long before the evening was over, he was certain - and he had a rose tucked in his buttonhole.
To be honest, he felt like a refugee from a wedding party.
A jade pendant hung at his throat, from a slender golden chain. On the middle finger of his right hand, he wore a twisted band of gold, set with a green stone - he'd been told when he bought it that it was a symbol of luck. And Hammer had seemed pretty sincere about it, way back then, so...
Thus attired and bedecked, he waited for Mina, watching for the usual set of Miko robes...